Have you heard about our non-profit organization? Laced Hair Foundation was created by Lacy Gadegaard-West in order to give hair extensions to women who have suffered from hair loss to restore their confidence and arm them to face whatever challenges come their way.
Meet Jessica, a Laced Hair Foundation recipient. We sat down with her to talk about her hair loss and Laced Hair experience. Jessica grew up with thin hair and never thought much about it until she went to college. At college, her roommates would comment on her lack of hair.
“Any time I’d lose any of it, it would be really stressful because I didn’t have that much to begin with.” Jessica said.
Although this was a struggle for Jessica, she mentioned she is still so grateful for the hair she does have and has treated it carefully in return.
Laced Hair Foundation helped Jessica achieve her #hairgoals. After seeing her transformation, she couldn’t stop smiling.
“My hair was so long and full,” Jessica said. “I’ve never had that much hair before, so it was really awesome.”
One thing Jessica was skeptical about going into the experience was whether or not they would be able to hide the extensions under her already thin hair.
“Even if you have super thin hair it can work for you,” Jessica said. “I love them! If you have thin or thinning hair this could be a game changer for you. It gives you back some control over your hair!”
To nominate yourself or someone you know for the Laced Hair Foundation or just donate to the cause, follow this link: https://lacedhair.com/pages/laced-hair-foundation.